Happy Friday and thanks to everyone who joined us for our twitter chat yesterday lunchtime!
Or those of you who missed it, yesterday The Network hosted a twitter chat all about getting into TV with experts from ITV, BBC and Channel 4.
We were absolutely inundated with lots of top questions! Here are some of the great insights our expert panellists shared:
A lot of recruitment forms ask for an original idea for a TV show. How can you make your idea stand out from the rest?
A: Really think carefully about the channel/slot/audience, many people are sloppy on this key part of the pitch.A: And remember we're all looking to engage a global market so you want an idea that can travel.

A: I would say work experience unless a specialist show and need specialist skills or knowledge.
A: Get as much job experience as you can - broad work placements in a range of environments.
A: Experience and passion and ideas are more important than grades! It’s about really wanting to work in telly!

A: Make your application targeted, show you've researched them and know about their company/show.

A: Stop thinking about others, and think about what you have done! Have ideas, be creative.
A: Be clear about your ability/skillset, show what additional attributes you can bring.
A: Just be yourself & if you are passionate about the role and have the right skills you will stand out.
A: Be passionate, do your research and be clear about why you want to work at that company.

A: Pretty essential, people need to see you are comfortable and look good on camera! Local radio experience is grea.t
A: You need to display your presenting ability and skill to engage/sell co-presenting/links/debates it depends.

A: I'd suggest that you get an agent, ITV don't have a Writers Room to see unsolicited scripts.

A: It’s the BEST starting point, if you have no experience or unsure of the role you want - gives you great insights.
This twitter chat was just a taster of the expert advice and insight you will get in Edinburgh if you win a place on The Network – and of course, you’ll get to ask your questions face to face and in more than 140 characters!
Good luck with your application!
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