We want your application to be the best it can be. So here are quite a few tips to make it stand out.
- We welcome applications from people with an interest in ANY area of TV.
The TV industry is very broad and there are literally hundreds of roles you can consider! We have profiled some of the most popular on our website here - Want to work in TV? Which Job is for me? and the Creative Skillset website is also useful guide: www.creativeskillset.org/careers/. - You don't need to have had any experience of working in television BUT you will have to demonstrate that you LOVE TV.
It’s not enough just to say you like watching TV. Can you prove you have lots of ideas? What have you done that demonstrates your interest? Do you have a YouTube channel? Do you blog about TV? Has TV changed your life in any way? Remember, we don't want to hear about student projects that you doing as part of your course, you need to tell us what exciting, creative things you've been doing in your own time. - The TV industry thrives on ideas, so show us that you are capable of coming up with things that haven’t been done before or looking at things from a fresh perspective.
- We want to get an idea of who you are so use your own voice and be honest! Please tell us what you think, rather than what you think we want to hear.
- Make sure you check your application carefully for spelling and grammar mistakes. If you know spelling and/ or grammar isn't your strong point, do ask someone to check it over for you. It’s scarily easy to miss your own mistakes!
- Make note of the word count and don’t go over it. You don’t necessarily have to use the maximum number of words, but please do make sure your answers are as complete as possible.
- Please make sure you have supplied accurate contact details, including email address and mobile number.
- Please use a personal email account (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) rather than one supplied by your work/ college as we’d like to keep in touch with you and offer you future opportunities.

When describing your programme idea consider the following step by step guide:
STEP 1: The Idea
- What is your idea?
- Think about what audience it would appeal to. What age are they? When/what time are they likely to watch TV?
- Think about what channel your programme is most suited to and why. Is the programme in keeping with the channel brand?
- What is different about your idea, what makes it unique?
- Are there any similar shows?
STEP 2: How would the show work
- Think about how the format would work. Is it a series or a one off?
- What is the content of the show? How many episodes? How long would each programme be? Would it work as a long running format?
- Would there be talent/presenter in it? What is it about the talent you've chosen that appeals to the audience and the channel?
- Thinking about your audience, where in the schedule would it sit, what time and what day?
STEP 3: The Pitch
- Can you sell the idea in a sentence?
- Titles matter. What title will hook this particular audience?
- What are the strong points about your idea that you should emphasise?
- Why should your programme be commissioned?
- How can your idea engage people beyond what they see on TV? For example, is there scope for interaction through websites, phone lines and social media?:
Applications are considered and places awarded by The Network committee,so this is your chance to get your ideas read by some of the biggest names in the TV industry! Visit thenetwork-tv.co.uk to apply today!PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE CRITERIA FOR 2014 HAS CHANGED. IF YOU ARE IN FULL TIME EDUCATION YOU MUST BE IN YOUR FINAL YEAR OF COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY AND AVAILABLE TO WORK IN 2014.